In 2021, the Animal Welfare Board of India (AWBI) and a US-based organisation working against greyhound races have separately written to the Punjab Government alleging illegal conduct of dog races in the state and demanding immediate action against the offenders.Meanwhile acting on a tip-off about an illegal dog fighting event scheduled on January 27 at Rohat village in Sonipat district of Haryana , PETA alerted and collaborated with the Sonipat police to prevent the event. Thus the police stopped the dog fight before it could take place.PETA India Cruelty Response Coordinator Virendra Singh said, “PETA India is urging the government to stop dogfights by making it illegal to breed and keep pit bull–type dogs, the most abused dogs on the planet.”Pitbulls and similar foreign dog breeds are primarily used for dog fighting in India, even though inciting dogs to fight is illegal under The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960. ” Without suitable enforcement and regulation, organized dogfights have become prevalent in many parts of the country, making pit bull–type dogs and other breeds used in these fights the most abused dog breeds”explained a source.”Pit bulls and related breeds are also otherwise typically kept on heavy chains as attack dogs, resulting in aggressive defensive behaviour and a lifetime of suffering. Many endure painful physical mutilations, such as ear cropping and tail docking – illegal procedures involving removing part of a dog’s ears or tail to prevent another dog from grabbing them during a fight. These dogs are encouraged to continue fighting until they become exhausted and at least one is seriously injured or dies. Because dog fighting is illegal, injured dogs are not taken to veterinarians,’’ said a source.”A prohibition could be achieved in the state by making sterilization and registration of such dogs mandatory while prohibiting breeding, keeping, or selling them after a stipulated date,’’ said Singh.
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