Talking with , the Leader of Opposition in the Punjab assembly Partap Singh Bajwa said, “As we enter Delhi from Punjab, we are greeted by a big mountain of garbage. Kejriwal has converted the national capital into a gas chamber and an urban slum. This is what he has given the people of Delhi.’’”The entire party leadership from Punjab is campaigning in Delhi, informing the public about AAP’s unfulfilled promises in Punjab and how the law and order situation has worsened since it came to power,” he said.”In the 2022 Punjab assembly elections, AAP showcased the Delhi model and took state voters for a ride and now it is trying to fool Delhi voters by highlighting their Punjab model. But we are telling the electorate about the ground reality of Punjab,” said Warring.Congress MLA Sukhpal Singh Khaira said they are highlighting the “misgovernance” by the AAP government in Punjab, noting how in last year’s parliamentary elections, the ruling party of the state could only manage to win three Lok Sabha seats. “It is like a rehearsal for the 2027 Punjab assembly elections,” he said.He claimed, “I have been regularly exposing the false promises by Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann and AAP national convener Arvind Kejriwal and urge the voters of Delhi to beware of these fake revolutionaries.’’
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