The controversy over the eco-sensitive zone in Gujarat’s Junagadh district took a dramatic turn when Congress-turned-BJP leader Harshad Ribdia openly backed farmers opposing the ecozone at a rally in Moti Monpari. This public stance set the stage for political friction, as former AAP leader-turned-BJP Leader Bhupat Bhayani responded with an indirect attack on Ribdia, escalating tensions. The clash carries added weight as both Ribdia and Bhayani share a political history in Visavadar, Junagadh. Ribdia, once a Congress MLA, joined the BJP and contested the Visavadar seat in 2022, while Bhayani ran against him under the AAP banner, securing a win. However, Bhayani’s later resignation as an MLA to join the BJP left the seat vacant, fueling the ongoing rivalry and adding layers to the unfolding political drama. BJP leader Bhupat Bhayani took a sharp jab at his rival Ribdia over the eco-sensitive zone issue, telling the media, “I want to ask the leaders who have come out on the ecozone issue, if they are so concerned about farmers, why has the Visavadar Assembly suffered a huge loss due to the mistakes of certain individuals? Visavadar has been left without representation.”
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