Progressive International launches global observatory to monitor democracies-


Progressive International launches global observatory to monitor democracies-

By Express News Service

The Progressive International, a worldwide coalition of progressive left-wing activists and organisations, on Sunday launched a global observatory to monitor democratic institutions in countries across the world where democracy is under attack from authoritarian leaders.

The move, hailed as a “response to attacks on democracy across the world” comes ahead of contentious elections in Colombia, Hungary and Brazil.

It follows heavy criticism of attacks on democratic institutions by researchers and parliamentarians, who have documented attempts to capture the courts, spread misinformation, and criminalise dissent by leaders of various countries.

Democracy is under attack. But the institutions that were once designed to protect it are failing.Today, we are launching an alternative: a global observatory with the capacity to challenge authoritarian tactics around the world.Learn more:
— Progressive International (@ProgIntl) November 15, 2021
The observatory will operate across the globe and its tasks will include organising international delegations to observe elections in countries with authoritarian leaders, launching investigations of unlawful interventions in the democratic process, building a global network to fight disinformationwith findings from research.

“The Observatory launches as attacks on democracy escalate across the world… authoritarian leaders are getting organised to capture the courts, criminalise opposition, and rig the rules to hold onto power,” Progressive International General Coordinator David Adler said.

“The time has come to build… an institution with the technical skills, legal expertise, and global reach to combat disinformation, to challenge persecution, and to provide real-time defense of democratic institutions,” he said.

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