Priyanka’s political advisor puts Congress in a dilemma in Uttarakhand over ‘Sanatan’ principle-


Priyanka's political advisor puts Congress in a dilemma in Uttarakhand over 'Sanatan' principle-

Express News Service

DEHRADUN: Priyanka Gandhi’s political advisor Acharya Pramod Krishnam said, “Those who are against Sanatan are also against India because India cannot be imagined without Sanatan.” “What does not belong to Sanatan does not belong to India either”. This statement of Acharya Krishna has put the Congress in an uncomfortable position in Uttarakhand.

Acharya Pramod Krishnam, who arrived at the Chetan Jyoti Ashram in Haridwar on Thursday, said, “Those who speak against Sanatan are descendants of Ravana, their destruction is certain, so I want to appeal to all the senior leaders of the I.N.D.I.A alliance that political leaders and political parties who speak against Sanatan Dharma should be thrown out of the alliance”.

Acharya Krishnam, who was in Haridwar in connection with the organization’s program, said, “Now the time has come to decide whether you stand with Sanatan opponents, or stand with Sanatan”.

“The Samajwadi Party in Uttar Pradesh will also have to decide whether it is with Sanatan and Ramcharitra Manas, with Lord Ram or with those who abuse Lord Ram and Ramcharitra Manas, otherwise I.N.D.I.A. alliance will suffer in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections,” Krishnam said.

Acharya Krishnam also met saints of Bharat Sadhu Samaj at the ashram. “Sedition cases should be filed against leaders opposing Sanatan Dharma, and political parties supporting or patronising such leaders should also be banned,” said Swami Rishishwaranand, national spokesperson of Bharat Sadhu Samaj.

Hitting out at the Congress, Uttarakhand BJP spokesperson Ravinder Kumar said, “Acharya’s statement is an eye-opener for the entire Congress and the Congress should immediately distance itself from the I.N.D.I.A alliance without delay”.

DEHRADUN: Priyanka Gandhi’s political advisor Acharya Pramod Krishnam said, “Those who are against Sanatan are also against India because India cannot be imagined without Sanatan.” “What does not belong to Sanatan does not belong to India either”. This statement of Acharya Krishna has put the Congress in an uncomfortable position in Uttarakhand.

Acharya Pramod Krishnam, who arrived at the Chetan Jyoti Ashram in Haridwar on Thursday, said, “Those who speak against Sanatan are descendants of Ravana, their destruction is certain, so I want to appeal to all the senior leaders of the I.N.D.I.A alliance that political leaders and political parties who speak against Sanatan Dharma should be thrown out of the alliance”.

Acharya Krishnam, who was in Haridwar in connection with the organization’s program, said, “Now the time has come to decide whether you stand with Sanatan opponents, or stand with Sanatan”.googletag.cmd.push(function() {googletag.display(‘div-gpt-ad-8052921-2’); });

“The Samajwadi Party in Uttar Pradesh will also have to decide whether it is with Sanatan and Ramcharitra Manas, with Lord Ram or with those who abuse Lord Ram and Ramcharitra Manas, otherwise I.N.D.I.A. alliance will suffer in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections,” Krishnam said.

Acharya Krishnam also met saints of Bharat Sadhu Samaj at the ashram. “Sedition cases should be filed against leaders opposing Sanatan Dharma, and political parties supporting or patronising such leaders should also be banned,” said Swami Rishishwaranand, national spokesperson of Bharat Sadhu Samaj.

Hitting out at the Congress, Uttarakhand BJP spokesperson Ravinder Kumar said, “Acharya’s statement is an eye-opener for the entire Congress and the Congress should immediately distance itself from the I.N.D.I.A alliance without delay”.

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