MEERUT: A man who is the prime suspect in the murder of five of his family members and carrying a reward of Rs 50,000 on his head was killed in a police encounter early morning on Saturday, officials said.In a statement, police said that a team tracked down Jameel Hussain alias Naeem on Saturday morning and an encounter ensued.”Naeem sustained gunshot injuries and was declared dead at a nearby hospital,” reads the statement.Naeem was the prime suspect in the gruesome murder of five people — his stepbrother Moin and his wife and their three children — at the latter’s residence at Lisari Gate on January 9.The victims were found dead with head injuries.Following the murders, police had announced a reward for Naeem and his accomplice, Salman.”Investigations revealed that Naeem, who had a history of criminal activities in Delhi and Thane, had been changing his name and location to evade arrest. The motive behind the heinous crime was a dispute over money and property,” a statement shared by Director General of Police (DGP) of UP Prashant Kumar read.
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