While sharpening his attack on the NDA government, leader of Opposition in the Bihar assembly Tejashwi Prasad Yadav said that question papers leaks in the competitive examinations had become a regular affair as there was no guarantee that there would be no paper leak in the future examinations. He also assailed former poll strategist and Jan Suraaj Party (JSP) founder Prashant Kishor and called his party ‘B’ team of chief minister Nitish Kumar’s ruling alliance in Bihar. “Protesters were “misled” into marching towards Gandhi Maiden despite the district administration warning against it. And, when the time to face lathi charge and water cannons came, those who had offered to lead the protests, chose to run away,” he remarked while obliquely referring to Kishor. “I met BPSC candidates at Gardanibagh where they had been staging dharna for nearly two weeks, causing the government to tremble. At this moment, some people acting as the government`s B team came,” he remarked. “On 15-16 December, BPSC announced the cancellation of the exam at one centre. If the paper had been leaked, then why is the exam being cancelled only at one centre? It is a kind of normalisation… That’s why students are protesting for a re-examination. I also support this,” he said.
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