Referring to the police action, Kishor said, “Officials who have converted democracy into the rule by force must be booked.”Notably, nearly five lakh candidates had appeared for Combined Competitive Exams held on December 13 when hundreds of examinees, all of them at the Bapu Pariksha Parisar here, boycotted the tests alleging question papers had been leaked.This was met with a strong denial from the BPSC, which claimed the allegations were “a conspiracy” to force the exam’s cancellation, even as fresh tests were ordered for more than 10,000 candidates who had appeared at Bapu Pariksha Parisar.The candidates have been asked to appear on January 4 at 22 newly designated centres across the city.This has been resented by some of the candidates who hold that such an arrangement militated against the principle of ensuring “level playing field.”On Monday, an 11-member delegation, of which Kishor’s party colleague and retired IPS officer RK Mishra was a part, had met Chief Secretary Amrit Lal Meena, in what appeared to be the government’s gesture to end the stalemate.The government has also been maintaining that any decision in the matter would have to be taken by the BPSC, an autonomous body.However, a recent statement from senior minister Vijay Kumar Chaudhary, a key aide of the chief minister, that there was “no evidence” to show that question papers were leaked on December 13, made amply clear that the government was unwilling to intervene in a manner that would satisfy the protesting candidates.
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