The body of the 31-year-old post-graduate trainee was found in a semi-naked state in the seminar hall of RG Kar Medical College and Hospital on August 9 last year. The trial court on January 20 sentenced Sanjay Roy, the lone convict, to life imprisonment till death in the rape-murder case.”The CM cannot disown the failure of the Kolkata Police, hospital and the administration,” the mother of the deceased said.The chief minister also holds the police and health portfolios.“The CM has to explain why the crime scene could not be sealed and the evidence was tampered with by the entry of a large number of onlookers. She has to explain why from the footage of 68 people moving in the area on August 9 morning till midday, only one person Sanjay Roy was identified as the sole perpetrator of the crime?” her mother said.
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