SRINAGAR: In an apparent reference to Chief Minister Omar reminding him of his promise about restoration of statehood to Jammu and Kashmir, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday said, “I am Modi and keep the promises I make.”Speaking at an event after the launch of the strategic Z-Morh Tunnel in Sonamarg, PM Modi said, “You believe it for sure that this is Modi and he makes promises and fulfils them also.”“Every work has its time. And the right work is going to happen at the right time,” the PM added.PM Modi was apparently referring to CM Omar Abdullah’s speech in which he reminded him about his promise on restoration of statehood to J&K during his visit to Srinagar on International Yoga Day event last year.PM Modi said a few days back, he inaugurated a separate Jammu railway division, which was a long pending demand of people.“Today I dedicated the Z Morh tunnel to the nation. This was one of the long pending demands of Ladakh and Kashmir and it has been fulfilled,” he said. Earlier, the PM inaugurated the 6.4 kms long Z-Morh tunnel, which will give all year connectivity to the tourist destination of Sonamarg, and boost local trade and tourism.The PM also paid tributes to seven persons killed in a terror attack on an under construction site at Gagangir in October last year.”7 labourers gave sacrifices of their lives. They braved all odds and completed the work,” the PM said. He said Kashmir is the crown of India and “I want this crown to become even more beautiful.”
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