The planets in our solar system have lined up a surprise for astrophiles and skygazers. You will likely have heard the news that a ‘planetary alignment’ will be visible in January 2025 and into February, but are wondering what planets will actually be visible, and how special this ‘alignment’ is.”In the first couple of hours after dark, you’ll find Venus and Saturn in the southwest, Jupiter high overhead, and Mars in the east. (Uranus and Neptune are there too, but a telescope is needed to see them.),” NASA explained in its January bulletin.A ‘planet parade’ is a rare event that occurs when multiple planets appear to be positioned in a line. While the planets appear as such from Earth’s perspective, it does not signify an actual alignment in space.NASA stated that such incidents, involving four or more planets, do not occur annually. “Planets always appear along a line in the sky, so the “alignment” isn’t special. What’s less common is seeing four or five bright planets at once, which doesn’t happen every year. Is it a “planet parade”? This isn’t a technical term in astronomy, so call it what you wish!” the space agency clarified.According to NASA, stargazers can see Mars on January 15, while Venus and Saturn will come within about 2 degrees on January 17 and 18. One can start seeing the alignment of planets from January 17.
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