Anantapur: Deputy Chief Minister K. Pawan Kalyan warned miscreants against encroaching lands belonging to schools, saying the Goonda Act will be applied against them. Addressing a parents-teachers’ meeting at the Municipal High School in Kadapa on Saturday, he told the gathering that he has received many complaints with regard to encroachment of school lands. The Deputy CM underlined that there is an urgent need for a special drive against encroachments in Kadapa district. Pawan Kalyan interacted with students of the municipal school in their classrooms and also had his midday meal with them. Later, addressing parents at a public meeting, the Deputy Chief Minister expressed shock that the district headquarters of Kadapa has been facing a drinking water problem for decades, even though two former chief ministers hailed from the district. Reacting to a plea in this regard by Kadapa MLA R. Madhavi, Pawan Kalyan assured that he will make efforts to tackle this issue. “We have never neglected the works left pending by the previous government. We released Rs 45 lakh towards the pending water project for Pulivendula. We will solve the long-pending issue of drinking water,” he observed.
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