The Kovind committee had proposed simultaneous elections to the Lok Sabha and state Assemblies as the first step, and synchronised polls to local bodies within 100 days of the general election. The committee had recommended 15 amendments to the Constitution to be carried out through two Constitution Amendment Bills. If the Centre decides to carry out the Kovind committee proposal from 2029, as many as 17 states will have tenure of Assemblies for less than three years.The Congress has reiterated its opposition to the idea and accused the government of trying to divert attention from “questions being raised on the electoral integrity of the democratic system.”“The views of the party on this subject had been forcefully articulated by its President Mallikarjun Kharge on January 17, 2024. Nothing has happened since then to modify them,” said Congress general secretary in-charge communications Jairam RameshAAP national convenor Arvind Kejriwal came down heavily on the BJP over its misplaced priorities and said, “The country needs one nation, one education, and one nation, one healthcare system. Not one nation, one election.”
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