On Covid debate day, Lok Sabha productivity increased to 204 per cent-


On Covid debate day, Lok Sabha productivity increased to 204 per cent-


NEW DELHI: The productivity of Lok Sabha increased to 204 per cent on Thursday as the House sat for extra hours till midnight to discuss the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to Lok Sabha officials, the productivity of the Lower House had touched 117 per cent on Wednesday when the Assisted Reproductive Technology (Regulations) Bill was passed after a four-hour debate.

Overall, the productivity during the Winter Session of Parliament, which began on Monday, has been 83 per cent. Of the total allocated time of 1,440 minutes (24 hours), the House has transacted business for 1,205 minutes (20.08 hours), they said.

Productivity of the House on the first two days was 6.7 per cent each. A total of 96 members participated in the debate on the Covid pandemic in Lok Sabha that stretched on for 11 hours and three minutes.

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