Actor Nushrratt Bharuccha is set to collaborate with director Anurag Kashyap and producer Vishal Rana of Echelon Productions for an upcoming thriller. The untitled film will be directed by Akshat Ajay Sharma, who previously helmed the Nawazuddin Siddiqui-starrer Haddi (2023).Nushrratt announced the project on social media, sharing photos with Anurag, Vishal, and Akshat. She captioned the post: “The Thrill is Real! My next! A rollercoaster of suspense and thrill with the creative genius Anurag Kashyap. And very passionate Vishal Rana. Helmed by Akshat Ajay Sharma. This one’s going to be memorable.”Details regarding the film’s title, plot, and cast remain under wraps. Last seen in Akelli (2023), Nushrratt also has Chhorii 2 in the pipeline. Meanwhile, Anurag continues to gain recognition as an actor, with his performances in Maharaja (2024) and Rifle Club (2024) receiving critical acclaim.
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