Nobody can suppress our voice, truth is with us: Engineer Rashid in Srinagar


Nobody can suppress our voice, truth is with us: Engineer Rashid in Srinagar

Flanked by his son and party leaders, Rashid asked his supporters not to lose courage as “the truth is with us”.”Nobody on earth, be it Narendra Modi, be it Amit Shah, can suppress our voice. The truth is with us and truth will be victorious. We are not begging. We want to be treated like humans.”We want the Jammu and Kashmir issue, which has been pending since 1947 and has claimed 4-5 lakh lives, to be resolved so that peace returns to the whole sub-continent, no mother loses her children and nobody is imprisoned,” the MP added.Rashid, who was released from Tihar jail on Wednesday, said that for him, the power of being an MP or an MLA did not matter as “everything comes later on”.”First, the self-respect, rights and liberty of Kashmiris have to be protected, preserved and honoured,” he said.Asked about the NC and PDP targeting him, Rashid, a two-time legislator in the erstwhile assembly of J-K, said he has high regard for the leadership of both the parties “but I am fighting a fight for those people for whom they do not have the courage to fight”.”They were invisible for the last five years. That is why they lost in the parliamentary election. My fight is much bigger than what the PDP and NC are trying today,” Rashid said.

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