No new oil, gas, coal extraction projects


No new oil, gas, coal extraction projects

“Already, temperatures have risen at least 1.1 degrees above pre-industrial levels. Extreme weather is on the march around the world. This summer we have seen devastating flooding in central Europe and China, raging wildfires in North America, record temperatures across the globe, and what some have called the world’s first climate-induced famine in Madagascar,” he added.Meanwhile, responding to the IEA’s World Energy Outlook, David Tong, Global Industry Campaign Manager, Oil Change International, said, “Today’s report is a step change for the International Energy Agency. This year’s World Energy Outlook confirms that investment in new fossil fuel projects will undermine our chance to limit warming to 1.5 degrees C.”In contrast, investing in clean energy brings huge benefits. A massive scale up of clean energy would ensure energy access, reduce price shocks, prevent millions of deaths from air pollution, and create millions more jobs. The days of the WEO being used to justify dangerous investments in fossil fuel expansion must be over.”Carbon Tracker’s Founder and Executive Chairman Mark Campanale told IANS, “Ahead of the most important climate meeting in decades, the IEA has stepped up to the plate to give us real guidance on managing the climate crisis.”The IEA notes that fossil fuel demand has reached a peak in almost all its scenarios. We stand on the cusp of a new era. Importantly, it sets out what needs to be done beyond existing pledges to reach net zero by mid-century and repeats that there is no need for new investment in oil, gas and coal if we are to stay within 1.5C.”

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