No names, but numbers for new theatre commands-


No names, but numbers for new theatre commands-

Express News Service

NEW DELHI:  Deviating from the general norm followed by other countries in naming their Integrated Theatre Commands (ITC) after the regions the commands operate in, India may call its ITCs by numbers.The country’s soon-to-be-announced ITCs, according to sources, “will be given numbers. The ITC based in Rajasthan’s Jaipur will be Number 1”. This will be followed by the ITC based in Uttar Pradesh’s Lucknow, which will be Number 2; and Number 3 would be the ITC based in Karnataka’s Karwar. 

Countries like the US and China have named their theatre commands after the regions they are entrusted to operate in. The US has six geographic combatant commands and China has five theatre commands. The Hawaii-headquartered United States Indo-Pacific Command (USINDOPACOM) includes India in its name. China’s Sichuan-headquartered ‘Western Theatre Command’ oversees its military operations along the 3,488 km long Line of Actual Control.

As reported first by , the Jaipur-headquartered South Western Command (SWC) will be the first theatre command to be launched, followed by Lucknow-based Northern Theatre Command. An announcement in this regard is expected on Independence Day.

The SWC will initially function as the test-bed ITC in order to iron out the shortcomings and implement the commensurate amendments. The Lucknow-based ITC will be the next in line, followed by the Maritime Theatre Command, based out of Karwar in Karnataka, entrusted with the responsibility of the coastal and maritime operations.

The commands are being worked out according to the concept of ‘One Border One Force’. The Western Integrated Theatre Command will be responsible for defence and security concerning Pakistan. Lucknow, which is the headquarters of the Central ‘Surya’ Command of the Indian Army now, is to become the headquarters of the Northern ITC, with the entire northern border with China under its responsibility.


Number 1: Jaipur-based ITCNumber 2: Lucknow-based ITCNumber 3: Karwar-based ITC

Currently, the 3 armed forces function with 17 independent commands: 

7 commands each under Army & Air Force 

3 commands under Navy

2 unified commands: Andaman and Nicobar Command & Strategic Forces Command

NEW DELHI:  Deviating from the general norm followed by other countries in naming their Integrated Theatre Commands (ITC) after the regions the commands operate in, India may call its ITCs by numbers.
The country’s soon-to-be-announced ITCs, according to sources, “will be given numbers. The ITC based in Rajasthan’s Jaipur will be Number 1”. This will be followed by the ITC based in Uttar Pradesh’s Lucknow, which will be Number 2; and Number 3 would be the ITC based in Karnataka’s Karwar. 

Countries like the US and China have named their theatre commands after the regions they are entrusted to operate in. The US has six geographic combatant commands and China has five theatre commands. The Hawaii-headquartered United States Indo-Pacific Command (USINDOPACOM) includes India in its name. China’s Sichuan-headquartered ‘Western Theatre Command’ oversees its military operations along the 3,488 km long Line of Actual Control.

As reported first by , the Jaipur-headquartered South Western Command (SWC) will be the first theatre command to be launched, followed by Lucknow-based Northern Theatre Command. An announcement in this regard is expected on Independence Day.googletag.cmd.push(function() {googletag.display(‘div-gpt-ad-8052921-2’); });

The SWC will initially function as the test-bed ITC in order to iron out the shortcomings and implement the commensurate amendments. The Lucknow-based ITC will be the next in line, followed by the Maritime Theatre Command, based out of Karwar in Karnataka, entrusted with the responsibility of the coastal and maritime operations.

The commands are being worked out according to the concept of ‘One Border One Force’. The Western Integrated Theatre Command will be responsible for defence and security concerning Pakistan. Lucknow, which is the headquarters of the Central ‘Surya’ Command of the Indian Army now, is to become the headquarters of the Northern ITC, with the entire northern border with China under its responsibility.


Number 1: Jaipur-based ITC
Number 2: Lucknow-based ITC
Number 3: Karwar-based ITC

Currently, the 3 armed forces function with 17 independent commands: 

7 commands each under Army & Air Force 

3 commands under Navy

2 unified commands: Andaman and Nicobar Command & Strategic Forces Command

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