AHMEDABAD: Union Home Minister Amit Shah was all praise for Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s transformative impact on India on Thursday, asserting that no leader has done as much good for the country as Modi, from his days as Gujarat’s Chief Minister to his tenure as the nation’s Prime Minister. Shah said “A son of a tea seller rose to lead the nation, determined to lift people out of poverty.”Speaking at the inauguration of several high-value development projects in Vadnagar, Modi’s birthplace in Gujarat’s Mehsana district, Shah highlighted the significance of these initiatives in shaping the region’s future In an address, Shah praised Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s transformative leadership, stating, “I’ve studied the childhoods of leaders worldwide, but no one has contributed as much to the nation as Narendra Modi.” He went on to highlight Modi’s remarkable journey, emphasizing, “From his time as Chief Minister of Gujarat to becoming the Prime Minister, his impact on the country has been unparalleled.Shah drew a parallel between childhood struggles and leadership, saying, “A child raised in poverty often draws inspiration from it, and Narendra Modi, too, was the son of a tea seller who found his motivation in overcoming hardship.”He further explained, “Modi worked tirelessly to uplift the nation, driven by the belief that no child should endure such poverty.”Shah noted, “”Without any political agenda, Narendra Modi has dedicated himself to serving the underprivileged.”Shah highlighted Modi’s grassroots connection to the poor, stating, “As an RSS pracharak, Narendra Modi traveled across India, gathering deep insights into the lives of the underprivileged.”He added, “Modi’s service to the poor has been driven solely by a commitment to their welfare, free from political motives.”Shah also praised Modi’s transformative leadership in Gujarat, saying, “Under Modi’s guidance, Gujarat became a model of development, with no region left behind, and the people of Gujarat uplifted from the ground up.”He further emphasized Modi’s strong stance on national security, declaring, “Narendra Modi has made it clear that no one can interfere with the country’s army or its borders—those who try will face the consequences.”Shah lauded Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s leadership, asserting, “Modi ji has brilliantly and majestically carried forward the legacy of Swami Dayanand, Mahatma Gandhi, and Sardar Patel.”
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