PATNA: Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar is all set to embark on yet another statewide journey, ‘Mahila Samvad Yatra’ from December 15 with an objective to interact with women to make on-the-spot assessment of execution of various schemes launched to ‘enable’ women to become economically independent and self-reliant.Nitish’s dialogue with women assumes special significance as they apparently emerged as election clinchers in the recently held assembly polls in Jharkhand and Maharashtra. In Bihar, Nitish has been able to create a broad support base among women by executing various schemes for their welfare but more importantly by enforcing complete prohibition in the state in 2016.Assembly election is due in Bihar in October-November next year. Like on previous occasions, Nitish once again will start his ‘yatra’ from Valmikinagar in West Champaran district. Besides holding discussions with women, including Jeevika Didis (women working with Bihar Rural Livelihoods Promotion Society), Nitish will also review implementation of development schemes and execution of various schemes under his ‘Saat Nischay Part 1 and Part 2 schemes’.
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