PATNA: Credit war between the ruling JD(U) and the Opposition RJD has escalated as CM Nitish Kumar on Saturday said that no development initiative was taken when Lalu Prasad’s party was in power in the state. Bihar will go to polls next year.“Whatever development has taken place in Bihar, it has taken place during my rule. No development work had taken place earlier,” Nitish said.Nitish inaugurated “Agro Bihar 2024” (an agricultural mechanisation fair) and asserted that his government had taken a slew of measures in the interest of farmers. He alleged that no initiative was taken for the betterment of farmers when the RJD was in power.Reacting sharply to Nitish’s statement, RJD spokesperson Chitranjan Gagan asked the CM to list the initiatives he had taken for the welfare of farmers during his 19 years of rule. He alleged that Nitish was earlier repeating himself that no work was done earlier.The sparring match between two parties started after Nitish snapped ties with RJD and formed a new government with BJP in January this year. RJD’s Tejashwi Yadav said he made a “tired CM” to work when the grand-alliance was in power.
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