BHOPAL: Nine officers of the Madhya Pradesh Police’s Anti-Terrorism Squad (MP ATS) have been suspended following the custodial death of a suspect in a terror funding case at a hotel in Gurugram, Haryana. The deceased, 25-year-old Himanshu Kumar, reportedly fell from the third floor of the hotel on January 7 while allegedly attempting to escape custody.The suspended officers include an inspector, a head constable, and several constables. According to MP ATS sources, the incident occurred on the afternoon of January 7. Himanshu, one of six men in ATS custody, reportedly asked to use the toilet. During this time, he allegedly tried to flee but fell from the balcony when officers attempted to stop him.Himanshu sustained critical injuries and was rushed to a government hospital in Sohna, where doctors declared him dead on arrival.Following the incident, a judicial inquiry has been ordered, to be conducted by a senior division judicial magistrate in Haryana. Based on a complaint by Himanshu’s uncle, Chandan Kumar, a murder case has been registered against the MP ATS officers at the Sohna City Police Station in Gurugram. The case includes charges of murder, wrongful confinement, and voluntarily causing hurt.
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