Sub Divisional police officer of Pupari Atanu Dutta said that the district police cooperated with the federal agency in its operation. He confirmed that Aleem’s house was searched by the NIA team. “What was found during the operation is not known to us,” he told the media.The SDPO also refused to divulge the charges levelled against Aleem. “The matter is not related to the district police. We are in the dark about the purpose of the NIA team’s visit to Sitamarhi,” he told the media.Aleem’s neighbours told the interrogators that they have not noticed anything suspicious in the house of the suspect. Sitamarhi superintendent of police Manoj Kumar Tiwari said that the central probe agency wanted clarifications on certain points from Aleem.The NIA team returned to the state capital after Aleem’s interrogation. Sources in the state police headquarters said the NIA had some specific information about anti-national activities going on at Bajpatti, which necessitated Thursday’s search operation.
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