Netflix announces new docu-series on Roshan film family


Netflix announces new docu-series on Roshan film family

Netflix has announced a docu-series titled The Roshans, which will explore the legacy of Hrithik Roshan’s film family. Directed by Shashi Ranjan, the series features candid interviews with Hrithik, Rakesh Roshan and Rajesh Roshan along with industry peers, friends, and colleagues. It explores the family history from the perspective of the late musician Roshan Lal Nagrath aka Roshan Saab, who laid the foundation of the artistic dynasty.Speaking about the series, the Roshans said in a joint statement, “We are incredibly excited to partner with Netflix and share previously untold stories that shaped our lives.” Director Shashi Ranjan added, “Directing this docu-series has been an incredibly rewarding journey. Being invited into the Roshan family’s world and entrusted with their legacy is a privilege I am grateful for.”

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