AGRA: Following the shocking incident of a man killing his mother and four sisters in a Lucknow hotel room and then shooting a chilling video, his neighbours here described the family as reclusive and struggling with financial difficulties.The incident has sent shockwaves through the Islam Nagar neighbourhood in Tehri Baghia area of Kuberapur in Agra.”Mohammad Badr and his son Mohammad Arshad lived here for around 10-15 years but never maintained good relations with anyone. They even misbehaved with the women in their family,” Alim Khan, a neighbour, told reporters.Khan also alleged, “I loaned them some money earlier to construct part of their house, and that’s when they moved in. But after that, they kept to themselves.” He further recalled that when two years ago one of their daughters died, hardly anyone from the neighbourhood attended her last rites.”Only a few of us went to the cemetery,” Khan noted that while the daughters were seen reading the Quran, “the father and son neither prayed nor interacted much with the community. The father and son often had disputes amongst themselves.” Fatima Begum, another neighbour, claimed, “The father and son used to abuse and mistreat the daughters. One of their daughters had a troubled marriage, which worsened her situation.” Fatima further stated that the father and son sold ready-made clothes for a living but struggled financially.”Their rude behaviour distanced them from everyone,” she remarked.
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