JAIPUR: An 18-year-old NEET aspirant from Odisha died by suicide in his hostel room in Rajasthan’s Kota on Thursday night, the third such case this month in the city, exposing failure of administrative measures aimed at addressing the crisis in the ‘coaching capital’.In 2023, over two dozen student suicides were reported in Kota, followed by 16 cases in 2024, as per police data. These incidents have led to a decline in student enrollments. 1.1 lakh students arrived at Kota this year against the earlier annual average of over 2 lakh.Coral Park, a prime area developed for hostels, exemplifies the growing crisis in Kota. Designed to accommodate 32,000 students, it now houses only 8,000. Infrastructure development in the area involved an investment of `1,000 crore, but with hostels lying vacant, property rates have plummeted.
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