Navigating shifting norms in Haryana


Navigating shifting norms in Haryana

In the sprawling fields of Haryana, where tradition runs deep and gender roles have long been set in stone, a quiet revolution is taking place—one that pits the strength of tradition against the will of change. The battleground? The wrestling mats where women are defying centuries of patriarchal norms to claim their place, not just in sports, but in society at large. The 2024 Paris Olympics, where India’s female wrestlers took centre stage, is the latest chapter in this unfolding story of transformation. Yet, as with any battle, victories are hard-won and setbacks are inevitable. Social norms, deeply embedded in any society, dictate much of our behaviour, shaping choices and reinforcing societal structures. Haryana, known for its conservative and patriarchal culture, is experiencing a significant shift. Historically, the state had one of the lowest girl-child sex ratios, symbolising entrenched gender biases. Yet today, we witness a transformation—evidenced by improved sex ratios, higher enrollment of girls in schools, and delayed marriage ages. This progress is the result of relentless efforts by various stakeholders who have worked to challenge and change the status quo. The rise of female wrestlers in Haryana has become one of the most visible symbols of this social shift, as these athletes challenge the deeply ingrained belief that wrestling is a male preserve. However, the path towards change is not without unforeseen twists and turns. Several women from Haryana have levelled serious allegations of misconduct against officials of the wrestling federation. While the events are still very recent and continuously unfolding, they offer us an opportunity to investigate the complicated dynamics of shifting norm equilibria. How do old norms that have been abandoned find their way back into the fabric of society? What forces are at work that can jeopardise hard-won success and impose new costs on the implementation of new norms? Changing norms, therefore, require an understanding of the complex interplay of social forces and individual agency. Even when new norms are embraced, there is always the possibility that old norms will reappear because of societal pressures or changing circumstances.

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