A couple in Nagpur, Maharashtra, allegedly died by suicide on their 28th wedding anniversary, police reported on Tuesday. The man, aged 56, and his wife, 45, were found dead in their home in the Martin Nagar locality early in the morning.Preliminary investigations suggest that financial difficulties may have driven the couple to take the extreme step. Additionally, the couple had no children, which may have further contributed to their distress, according to the police. Before their deaths, the couple reportedly recorded a video on their mobile phone, which they shared on social media and sent to their relatives.The relatives, upon receiving the video, rushed to the couple’s residence, where they discovered their bodies. A case of accidental death has been registered, and the police are investigating the circumstances surrounding the tragic incident.Sources indicated that the couple had been experiencing significant financial strain in recent times. However, further details regarding the specific nature of their troubles have not been disclosed. The authorities have not yet provided information on whether the couple had sought any financial or psychological assistance before their deaths.This incident has shocked the local community, as the couple’s wedding anniversary was expected to be a moment of celebration rather than tragedy. The police are continuing their investigations, and the body has been sent for post-mortem to determine the exact cause of death. The tragic event highlights the growing concern over mental health and financial pressures among individuals, especially those facing long-term struggles. As authorities continue their investigation, they urge others facing similar pressures to seek help before resorting to such drastic measures.
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