Mystery continues to shroud 17 deaths as 62 families return to Rajouri village after quarantine


Mystery continues to shroud 17 deaths as 62 families return to Rajouri village after quarantine

SRI NAGAR: Even as mystery continues to shroud 17 deaths due to unknown illness in Badhal village of J&K’s Rajouri district, the administration has allowed all the 62 families, who were in quarantine for 22 days, to return to their village.An official said 62 families comprising 330 individuals including 152 males and 178 females returned back to their homes at Badhal village after 22 day long stay at lodgment (quarantine) centres established at BHSS and Nursing College in Rajouri.After 17 persons including 13 children and 4 adults died in over a month due to mysterious illnesses in the Badhal village, the administration declared the village as a containment zone and shifted the population of the village to lodgement centres in Rajouri for quarantine.They were provided and food and water by the administration.However, the cause of the 17 deaths in the village still remains a mystery.

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