Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge, along with the Gandhi family, has reportedly shortlisted a few names for the next Maharashtra party chief. The prominent names circulating include MLC Satej Patil and Congress MLA Amit Deshmukh. Both Patil and Deshmukh have requested time to consider their interest in the position. The fact that the party is not in power is seen as a deterrent, making leaders hesitant to pursue this top state party position. Responsibility of managing the office and rejuvenating a party that suffered significant losses in the assembly polls will heavily weigh on whoever takes on this role.Despite huge mandate, Mahayuti on knife edgeDespite winning a significant mandate in the state Assembly, Mahayuti faces a major challenge in running the government smoothly. Accommodating numerous aspirants and addressing concerns of disgruntled ministers and MLAs has led CM Fadnavis to create the role of co-guardian minister for three districts. Typically, each district has one guardian minister; however, this time, the CM appointed two guardian ministers for each of the following districts: Kolhapur, Gadchiroli, and Mumbai suburbs. This decision came as a necessity to appease the alliance partners.
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