Also, five FIRs have been registered by local police in connection with the public disturbance created by protestors in Pithampur town during the Pithampur Bandh call on Friday. One of the FIRs pertains to the incident in which two men attempting self-immolation during the public protest, had suffered burn injuries.“The probe into that incident strongly suggests that it was a third person, who actually lit up the flame, which caught both the men (attempting self-immolation) by surprise. Further investigations are underway,” the police officer said.Meanwhile, top administrative and police officials of the Indore region met with public representatives and prominent citizens of Pithampur on Saturday for around 45 minutes and conveyed the message from the MP CM, assuring them that their grievances and concerns about the planned waste incineration will be presented before the High Court on January 6. Till the next court direction, nothing will happen on disposal of waste at the TSDF.Located around 50 km from Dhar district headquarters and 30 km from Indore city, Pithampur is a prominent industrial town of MP, which houses 700 factories (most of them related to the automobile sector) and around Rs 1.75 lakh population.
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