Mohit Jain elected Indian Newspaper Society President-


Mohit Jain elected Indian Newspaper Society President-

By Express News Service

NEW DELHI: Mohit Jain of The Economic Times was elected as president of the Indian Newspaper Society (INS) president at its 82nd Annual General Meeting (AGM) held through video conference on Friday.

He succeeds Lakshmipathy Adimoolam of Health & The Antiseptic.

K Raja Prasad Reddy (Sakshi) is the Deputy President, Rakesh Sharma (Aaj Samaj) is the Vice President and Tanmay Maheshwari (Amar Ujala) is the Honorary Treasurer of the Society for 2021-22. Mary Paul is the Secretary-General.

In his address at the meeting, outgoing president Adimoolam spoke about the importance of newspapers. 

“The media is highly revered as the fourth estate and newspapers are the guardians of democracy. It keeps the public well informed with authentic news about the daily happenings in our country as well as the world at large,” he said.

Adimoolam added that the Society was established with certain ideas and objectives and cooperation is an incredibly successful strategy for survival.

“If we stand united with a single vision and objective a lot more can be achieved to propel the growth of the industry at large.’’ 

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