Modi, who says he was in jail in 1971, doesn’t remember Indira Gandhi


Modi, who says he was in jail in 1971, doesn’t remember Indira Gandhi

They are such pseudo-nationalists, these Nehru-Gandhis! The father wanted his ashes to mingle with the soil of the nation, the daughter wanted every drop of her blood to irrigate that soil! Did they think they will forever be part of the nation?Well, let me tell you – it is by far more satisfying to spill the blood of others and see it disappear than your own and it is far more comforting to build a home for yourself than a space station or a nuclear plant. You can’t go anywhere but up in a rocket – it may never come down and you will be stuck somewhere you don’t know forever.Better to get yourself a luxury aircraft, see! You can make good your escape in in a moment’s notice.Mrs. Gandhi and her son were fools to die for the nation. That is the job of soldiers, not prime ministers. Modi could have taught Mrs. Gandhi a lesson or two. But would she have listened? Not if her grandson is anything to go by. And that’s why we must deny her any credit for Bangladesh!(The writer is Consulting Editor, National Herald, Mumbai. Views are personal)

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