Mobile gaming a menace, says RSS MP survey


Mobile gaming a menace, says RSS MP survey

BHOPAL: The menace of mobile gaming has emerged as one of the major concerns for the the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) in the central districts of Madhya Pradesh.A detailed social survey conducted by 56 Vyavasayi Shakhas of the RSS, ideological fount of the ruling BJP, in its Vidisha Vibhag of Madhya Bharat Prant in Madhya Pradesh has identified as many as 103 problems or challenges. Some of the prominent issues include the menace of mobile gaming, the migration of Hindu families, Love Jihad, the protection of cows, de-addiction, low attendance of children in government schools, Narmada River conservation, lack of values and religious awareness, work on single-use plastic and a dearth of fruit-bearing trees. For the unversed, the RSS has divided its activities into three geographical regions in MP — Madhya Bharat Prant, Malwa Prant and Mahakoshal Prant.

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