RANCHI: While the Kumbh Mela is largely known for the separation of family members, the opposite has happened with a family from Jharkhand. Gangasagar Yadav (65), a resident of Bhuli in Dhanbad, who went missing 27 years ago, was allegedly spotted there, living as an Aghori Sadhu with a Sadhvi.According to Vimlesh Yadav, Gangasagar’s younger son, a relative who visited the Kumbh Mela spotted him there. The relative took a photograph and sent it to the family in Dhanbad. After looking at the picture, he rushed along with his mother Dhanwa Devi and his younger brother Kamlesh to the Kumbh Mela, where his father was identified by his mother.Despite their insistence, the man who now identifies himself as Baba Rajkumar Aghori refused to recognize Dhanwa Devi as his wife or Kamlesh and Vimlesh as his sons. His family, however, is certain about his identity, pointing to distinguishing features such as his long teeth and a scar on his forehead.Dhanwa Devi, along with their two sons and his brothers, has been camping at Kumbh Nagar, trying to persuade him to acknowledge his old identity.After his denial, some of the family members have returned home, while others remain at the Kumbh Mela, closely monitoring him and his Sadhvi. After the festival concludes, they plan to seek a DNA test to prove themselves right.
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