NEW DELHI: Days after the stabbing case involving Bollywood star Saif Ali Khan, the Centre has issued a direction to the Maharashtra government to take “legal action” against illegal immigrants coming to the state from Bangladesh and Myanmar.In identical letters addressed to the Chief Secretary and the Director General of Police (DGP) of Maharashtra the Union Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) has asked them to “take appropriate action with regard to illegal immigration, as per the rule”.Officials in the Foreigners’ division of the MHA said the direction has been issued to the Maharashtra government following a reference received from former Lok Sabha member Rahul Ramesh Shewale regarding intervention in the recent Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) survey on illegal immigration in Mumbai.In his reference to the MHA Shewale said, “I had written a letter to the Union Home Minister in November 2024 and had cited a report by the TISS and had demanded action against Bangladeshis living illegally in Maharashtra and Mumbai. The TISS had said in its report that Bangladeshi people are living illegally in Mumbai and Maharashtra and they can be involved in criminal activities, which can pose a threat to the security of residents of the city.”
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