LUCKNOW: With just 12 days left for the Mahakumbh-2025 in Prayagraj, a post emerged on social media on Tuesday evening to execute a blast in mela. Mela police registered an FIR against a man under Section 351 (2) (criminal intimidation) and 352 (intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of peace) of Bharatiya Nyay Samhita (BNS) and Section 67 of the Information Technology (IT) Act with Mela Kotwali police station.Following the incident, joint teams of Mela police and cyber sleuths started tracking the post being uploaded on social media after registering an FIR regarding the threat to Mahakumbh. The world’s biggest religious and spiritual congregation, Mahakumbh, will commence on January 13 on the banks of Sangam.As per Senior Superintendent of Police (Kumbh Mela) Rajesh Dwivedi, a fresh look out was launched into the case after registering an FIR under appropriate sections of BNS and IT Act. The SSP added that the joint teams of mela police and cyber crime wing were tasked to track the origin of the post wherein a man named Nasar Pathan used derogatory remarks against a particular community, threatening to kill at least 1,000 devotees in Mahakumbh by triggering a blast.
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