The unrest has extended to the BJP’s own ranks, as the president of Anupgarh’s city board and several officials resigned in protest. Meanwhile, the Bikaner-Sriganganagar National Highway No. 911 was blocked for over two hours on Sunday, causing significant disruption. The Sangharsh Samiti has announced an indefinite closure of Anupgarh’s markets until their demands are met, along with a prolonged sit-in outside the collectorate. Similarly, protests are escalating in Neemkathana, where agitators have threatened to disrupt train services. A massive demonstration, led by Neemkathana MLA Suresh Modi, took place at the Collectorate. The Vyapar Mahasangh has also declared an indefinite shutdown of Neemkathana’s markets, which have remained closed since Monday morning. Adding to the controversy, a statement by BJP state president Madan Rathore has gone viral on social media. Initially remarking, “Once new districts are created, who can end them?”Rathore later defended the government’s decision, claiming that the districts were created by the Gehlot administration merely to please MLAs and secure a fragile government majority. He asserted that even Gehlot would not have retained these districts had he returned to power.
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