In a 12-minute interview, Shariful’s father Mohammad Ruhul told PTI over the phone from Bangaldesh that his son did not have proper documentation for his stay in India and he lived in constant fear of being arrested.He alleged that the man seen in the CCTV camera footage was not Shariful and added that his son was being framed.”I will get in touch with the Bangaldeshi foreign ministry and also seek help from the Indian High Commission in Dhaka for the release of my son,” Ruhul said.He claimed that he learned about his son’s arrest through Facebook and news channels and added he had not been contacted by police in this connection.”The police have not said anything to us,” Ruhul said.He said Shariful entered India between the last week of March and the first week of April last year.Ruhul claimed that his son was not involved in the stabbing incident, saying it would not have been possible for Shariful to enter the home of a star of Khan’s stature and commit such a crime.”In the video footage we saw, the man (in the footage) has hair till the eyebrows. My son doesn’t wear his hair like that. He is 30 years old and has never kept his hair this long, not even as a teenager,” Ruhul said.India is a huge country, it is quite possible that one person would bear some resemblance to another person, he said.
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