GUWAHATI: With just over a year remaining before Assam heads to the Assembly elections, Lok Sabha MP Dilip Saikia is poised to become the BJP’s next state president. Saikia filed his nomination on Thursday evening in the presence of Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma, along with observers Union Minister Gajendra Singh Shekhawat, Sambit Patra, Sunil Bansal, and Harish Dwivedi. Several state leaders were also present during the event. According to BJP state spokesperson Dewan Dhruba Jyoti Maral, Saikia was the only candidate to submit a nomination for the position. “He was the unanimous choice. The formal announcement of the name of the next Assam BJP chief will be made at 11 am on Friday,” Maral told this newspaper. Earlier in the day, Chief Minister Sarma remarked that the BJP’s next state president would not contest the Assembly elections. He also lauded the contributions of the outgoing president, Bhabesh Kalita. “Words will not do justice to the outstanding contributions of Shri @Bhabesh_KalitaR as @BJP4Assam President. During his Presidency, our party got the highest-ever tally in a parliamentary election from Assam as the NDA increased its Vidhan Sabha presence from 74 seats to 84 seats and attained victories in a series of by-polls. We exceeded our target of enrolling 60 lakh new members in the 2024 Sadasyata Abhiyan – another historic milestone. He is a dedicated Karyakarta, and I compliment him for successfully leading the organisation over the last three and a half years,” the Chief Minister posted on X.
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