An eyewitness described the chaos, stating that the crowd came from both sides after an announcement about a train platform change, leading to the stampede.”There was no one to control the crowd… It was announced that the train coming on platform number 12 would now arrive on platform number 16. So, the crowd came from both sides, and a stampede occurred… some people were taken to the hospital…” he said.Delays in train departures and the sale of around 1,500 general tickets exacerbated the situation and contributed to the overwhelming crowd.Another eyewitness recounted the horror, saying that the crowd was beyond control. People from the administration and even NDRF personnel were there, but when the crowd exceeded the limit, it was impossible to manage them.”The crowd was beyond control; people were gathered at the foot over the bridge… Such a huge crowd wasn’t expected. I have never seen such a massive crowd at the railway station, even during festivals. People from the administration and even NDRF personnel were there, but when the crowd exceeded the limit, it wasn’t possible to control them,” he said.
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