NEW DELHI: Actor and BJP MP Kangana Ranaut hosted a special screening of her upcoming film Emergency for Union Minister Nitin Gadkari.Gadkari watched the political drama, featuring Ranaut as former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, in Nagpur on Saturday.Directed, produced and written by Ranaut, Emergency also stars Anupam Kher. The film, which was mired in controversy, will be released in theatres on January 17.In an X post, Gadkari urged people to watch the movie which portrays “a significant period in India’s history”.”Joined the special screening of the movie Emergency, featuring @KanganaTeam Ji and Shri @AnupamPKhe Ji, in Nagpur today. I wholeheartedly thank the filmmakers and actors for presenting the dark chapter of our nation’s history with such authenticity and excellence,” the Union minister wrote.Ranaut re-shared Gadkari’s post on the microblogging site and expressed her gratitude.”Thank you so much for your precious time sir,” she wrote.Kher, who plays the role of Jaiprakash Narayan in Emergency, said the response to the first special screening of the film was “exhilarating”.”I also watched the complete film for the first time. OUTSTANDING! The world, especially the younger Indian generation, should watch it for many reasons. For the technical BRILLIANCE of the crew! For the WONDERFUL performances of each and every actor (Including mine)” he said.
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