Journalist-turned-content creator Satshya Tharien concern over sharenting


Journalist-turned-content creator Satshya Tharien concern over sharenting

Currently, India has no laws regulating the featuring of children on social media. While some believe content creators use their children to gain views, others raise significant privacy concerns. Tharien acknowledges the popularity of family accounts online but questions the implications. “Family accounts do well, but at what cost?” she asks.Tharien admits that when she first started as a content creator, she was unaware of how much she was sharing. Although she regrets some of her earlier choices, she emphasizes that they were hers to make. “But my daughter doesn’t have a choice. I want her to have a normal and happy childhood, free from worries about likes, followers, and comments,” she asserts. She doesn’t want her daughter to be a victim of cyber bullying.The term “sharenting,” a blend of “parenting” and “oversharing,” has been coined to describe or refer to the act of digital oversharing of excessively posting information, pictures, stories or updates about your child’s life.Over the past generation, experts such as psychologists and forensic specialists have studied paedophilia, characterized by intense fantasies, urges, or behaviors involving sexual activity with prepubescent children, according to psychiatry’s diagnostic manual. These experts have conducted in-depth interviews, life history analyses, and various psychological and anatomical measures to understand the disorder better.

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