In the context of the e-Office system, departments have been directed to deploy proper firewalls and white-list IP addresses.”The e-Office server should be accessed through a Virtual Private Network (VPN) for enhanced security.Departments may ensure that only authorised employees/personnel are allowed to access the e-Office system.”However, Top secret/Secret information shall be shared over the e-Office system only with leased line closed network and SAG grade encryption mechanism,” it said.It said there was a blanket ban on sharing any top secret or secret information through video conferencing.The officials working from home have been directed to use security-hardened electronic devices (such as laptops, desktops) connected to office servers via a VPN and firewall setup.’Top Secret’ and ‘Secret’ information should not be shared while working from home, it said.The order said digital assistant devices such as Amazon’s Echo, Apple’s HomePod, Google Home, etc. should be kept out of the office during discussions on classified issues.”Digital assistants (such as Alexa, Siri) should be turned off during official meetings in the office used by employee. Smartphones should be deposited outside the meeting room when discussing classified information,” the order said.In light of the risks, all officers and officials were directed to adhere strictly to the guidelines to ensure the security and confidentiality of official communications.”Non-compliance with these directives may result in disciplinary action as deemed appropriate by the administration,” the order read.
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