Irish rail worker drawing over Rs one crore salary says ‘bored’ at job, goes to court-


Irish rail worker drawing over Rs one crore salary says 'bored' at job, goes to court-

By Online Desk

An Irish rail worker who was reportedly paid Rs 1,05,15,593 as salary per year has gone to court against the employer saying he is ‘bored’ and ‘isolated’ at his job. 

The finance manager Dermot Alastair Mills, at Irish Rail in Dublin, says his duties have dramatically reduced after he made a protected disclosure nine years ago.

Now, according to Daily Mirror, he claims that he spends most of his time on shift “reading the paper, eating sandwiches and going for a walk”.

On December 1, Mills gave evidence in a hearing into his complaint under the Protected Disclosures Act 2014, where he alleged that he has been penalised for speaking out against Irish Rail – a punishment which has since left him with very little work, the report said.

Mills was quoted as saying in the Daily Mirror report, “If I go to the office, I go in for 10 am. I buy two newspapers, the Times and the Independent, and a sandwich. I go into my cubicle, I turn on my computer, I look at emails. There are no emails associated with work, no messages, no communications, no colleague communications.”

He went on to add: “I sit and I read the newspaper and I eat my sandwich. Then about 10.30 am, if there’s an email that requires an answer, I answer it. If there’s work associated with it, I do that work.”

Then he went on to explain that he goes for his lunch at around 11.30 am or 12.30 pm and spends “an hour or two” walking around, before returning to work around 2.30 pm or 3 pm.

Shockingly he then told the hearing: “If there’s nothing to be done, I go home.”

Irish Rail reportedly admitted before the court that Mills made a disclosure in 2014, but denied penalising the finance manager for the same.

An Irish rail worker who was reportedly paid Rs 1,05,15,593 as salary per year has gone to court against the employer saying he is ‘bored’ and ‘isolated’ at his job. 

The finance manager Dermot Alastair Mills, at Irish Rail in Dublin, says his duties have dramatically reduced after he made a protected disclosure nine years ago.

Now, according to Daily Mirror, he claims that he spends most of his time on shift “reading the paper, eating sandwiches and going for a walk”.

On December 1, Mills gave evidence in a hearing into his complaint under the Protected Disclosures Act 2014, where he alleged that he has been penalised for speaking out against Irish Rail – a punishment which has since left him with very little work, the report said.

Mills was quoted as saying in the Daily Mirror report, “If I go to the office, I go in for 10 am. I buy two newspapers, the Times and the Independent, and a sandwich. I go into my cubicle, I turn on my computer, I look at emails. There are no emails associated with work, no messages, no communications, no colleague communications.”

He went on to add: “I sit and I read the newspaper and I eat my sandwich. Then about 10.30 am, if there’s an email that requires an answer, I answer it. If there’s work associated with it, I do that work.”

Then he went on to explain that he goes for his lunch at around 11.30 am or 12.30 pm and spends “an hour or two” walking around, before returning to work around 2.30 pm or 3 pm.

Shockingly he then told the hearing: “If there’s nothing to be done, I go home.”

Irish Rail reportedly admitted before the court that Mills made a disclosure in 2014, but denied penalising the finance manager for the same.

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