Emission intensity refers to the total amount of greenhouse gases emitted per unit of GDP.According to the report, the main contributors to India’s total greenhouse gas emission were CO2 generated from burning fossil fuels, methane from livestock and increasing aluminium and cement production.The LULUCF sector remained net sink during the 2020 inventory period.Considering total emissions and removals, India’s net national emissions in 2020 were 24,36,656 gigagrams of carbon dioxide equivalent (GgCO2e).The energy sector contributed the most to overall emissions with 75. 66 per cent, followed by the agriculture sector at 13. 72 per cent, industrial processes and product use (IPPU) at 8. 06 per cent and waste at 2. 56 per cent.India represents 18 per cent of the global population but its annual primary energy consumption per capita in 2022 was 25. 4 gigajoules (GJ).This was a third of the-then global average of 78 GJ per person.In comparison, an average person in high-income countries consumed 119 GJ, with per capita consumption in the US recorded at 277 GJ.Energy consumption needs to increase by a significant amount to meet India’s development goals, the report said.
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