He said the Bangladeshi textile labourers were now coming to India and many textile factory owners within India were incentivising them. They are giving a good amount of money for importing cheap labourers illegally, he added.“We raised this issue in the last NEC (North Eastern Council) meeting. I have also discussed it with Home Minister Amit Shah in my last meeting. This is a very alarming issue for us because we never detected that many infiltrators in earlier times,” Sarma said.According to him, once there is an unrest in Bangladesh and its economy collapses, it is obvious that the majority community (Muslims) will be affected more than the minorities in that country. He said the textile workers in Bangladesh were mostly from the majority community.“We detected and pushed back around 1,000 infiltrators since the disruptions in Bangladesh. We don’t put them in jail as they walk out on bail. We created another way to push them back immediately,” Sarma said.
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