Indian foreign policy establishment reacting increasingly like China to criticism


Indian foreign policy establishment reacting increasingly like China to criticism

The presentation was however prepared by the MEA and shared with Speaker of the Lok Sabha, Om Birla, to use during his meetings with foreign envoys. The talking points outlined for him stated that those critical of Indian democracy did not appreciate how broad-based and truly representative it was; how reflective Indian democracy is of Indian diversity and ethos. Since India’s new practitioners of democracy are not English speaking and their values are rooted in Indian culture, the Western world did not understand how Indian democracy worked and were thus harsh in their judgements, the brief maintained.When envoys of countries stationed in India had to witness the ‘Kumbh Mela,’ it was presented as a uniquely ‘democratic’ cultural practice. The term democratic is literally translated to mean mass participation, much like India’s electoral process. The majoritarian view prevails but surely that is democratic, is the argument.Having reaped huge dividends from its “soft” power diplomacy in recent decades, particularly from the tenets of democracy, non-violence, Mahatma Gandhi and diverse culture, the Indian government feels it is in an unassailable position as the “Vishwa Guru,” or global leader, where nobody can, or indeed should, question the Indian government’s credentials.This identification of the ruling party and government with the nation is a strange concept for most foreign interlocutors, except those from monarchies and autocracies, and hence, increasingly, questions are being raised at international forums.The MEA said it was “uncalled for” for Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, of a friendly state like Singapore, to speak in his country’s parliament about democracy and cite the rise in criminality and fall in standards today from the era of the BJP’s bugbear, Jawaharlal Nehru. Refusing to accept that Lee’s words could indicate that India’s democratic credentials are beginning to fray at the edges in global perception, the MEA responded by summoning the country’s High Commissioner and essentially told him to tell his Prime Minister to watch his words!There is definite disbelief, even dismay, among diplomatic circles that India is reacting exactly as China does, to any critical comment about it. It was inexplicable to them why the MEA needed to issue an official statement condemning “celebrities and others” for their “neither accurate nor responsible” comments when international figures, like actor and pop sensation Rihanna, tweeted – “why aren’t we talking about this?” – about farmers protesting against the farm laws; or when US Vice-President Kamala Harris’ niece, Meena, said the “world’s most populous democracy is under assault,” about the same farmers’ agitation. There were howls of self-righteous outrage, and support to the farmers agitation was deemed “malicious and motivated” and an “international conspiracy to defame India.”

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