“There are many countries that are talking to both Russia and Ukraine. PM Modi had also met leaders of both countries recently,” Jaishankar added.Meanwhile, the Quad foreign ministers said they are all working together for a free and open Indo Pacific.”The overall messaging is that our four countries – all democratic polities, pluralistic societies and market economies – are working together for a free and open Indo-Pacific, for a rules-based order and for global good. That by itself is a powerful stabilizing factor in an uncertain and volatile world,” said Jaishankar.The Quad is working on an expansive agenda ranging from telecom technology and under sea cable connectivity to humanitarian and disaster relief (HADR) to critical and emerging technologies, cyber and health security, climate action, infrastructure, capacity building and training, STEM education, maritime domain awareness and counter terrorism. “There are 16 working groups and we have just today agreed on more things to do. All of us are looking at how to advance Quad, how to resource it better, how to coordinate more closely and I think we have made some important steps today in that direction,” Jaishankar said.It is essential that the Quad’s political understanding strengthens, economic partnerships grow, technology collaborations expand and people-to-people comfort intensifies, he said.”Our meeting should send a clear message that the Quad is here to stay,” Jaishankar added.
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