India may see exponential growth in cases; possibly within this week, says Cambridge Tracker


India may see exponential growth in cases; possibly within this week, says Cambridge Tracker

India may see exponential rise in the Covid-19 growth rate within days. The country will move into an intense but short-lived virus wave as omicron spreads through almost 1.4 billion.”It is likely that India will see a period of explosive growth in daily cases and that the intense growth phase will be relatively short. New infections will begin to rise in a few days, possibly within this week. It is hard to predict how high the daily cases could go,” Paul Kattuman, professor at the Judge Business School at the University of Cambridge which has developed a Covid-19 India tracker, wrote in an email. According to a report in Bloomberg, Kattuman and his team of researchers, developers of the India Covid tracker, are seeing a spurt in infection rates across India. The tracker highlighted six states as places of “significant concern” in a December 24 note with adjusted growth rate of new cases exceeding 5%. By December 26, this had expanded to 11 Indian states, according to the tracker, which corrects for “day of the week effects” and other variations.

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